This is the ancient alchemical symbol for the chemical element antimony which is a lustrous grey metalloid. Its compounds have been used since ancient times as cosmetics, and often used as kohl eyeliner since around 3500 BCE in Ancient Egypt. In metallurgy, impure gold was often roasted with antimony because antimony would remove the impurities and silver, leaving the gold intact and purified. Because of this, antimony was referred to as ‘The Wolf of Metals’ because it devours all but gold.
As a symbol, the wolf represents intelligence, intuition, inner knowing, and the importance of social connection. The wolf has highly attuned senses and is a pack animal, they thrive in the company of others. Wolves also have an appetite for freedom, they are wild and they’re a symbol of self-discovery. There is a common misconception about lone wolves, and the idea of embodying that is put on a pedestal as a sign of strength. While it is important that we strive to be more self-sufficient and to find our own inner strength, a wolf without a pack is not a wolf that thrives. Wolves, like us, are social creatures that desire communication, they hold deep emotional bonds, and are loyal to their pack. I think we could learn a lot from the wolf right now. We can learn from their strength and courage during this pandemic we are currently facing. Yes, we are mostly disconnected from each other physically right now, but emotionally and spiritually, we are always connected. We can use the wolf’s wisdom to offer words of support and kindness to those who are struggling. And we can use our pack mentality to do our best to protect people in our society that are more vulnerable than ourselves. We could realise that like the wolf, we are a pack animal, a collective, and it is our responsibility to do our best to take care of our human family during our long overdue eradication of racism and white supremacy. The spirit of the wolf is the spirit of honourable leadership. We can take leadership of ourselves by holding ourselves accountable for our own actions, or lack thereof, and holding the leaders of our world accountable for theirs. Right now we can take leadership by using our awareness to recognise how to best protect our global human pack; defending, honouring, and loving our brothers and sisters, and recognising and taking a stand against oppression. Antimony can easily be transmuted into pure gold. And gold is symbolic of the sun, of solar consciousness: recognising and shining our light on the world, providing healing, growth, nurturing and vitality to all of life on planet Earth. Just like how equality isn’t like a cake, whereby giving a slice to others means less for ourselves, the sun does not discriminate who it shines upon, there is enough light for everybody to prosper, equally. 🌞 How could you use the Antimony Magic Marking? When you’re feeling meek, you could wear it to absorb the spirit of the wolf and go for a walk under the moon, remembering that we are all connected, that the dark times will pass and that we can come out of it stronger and more in tune with our instinctual nature as the guardians of the Earth and every living being on it that we are meant to be.
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Sammi Walters is a freelance Web & Graphic Designer and Illustrator for the daring and disobedient. |